Mark Atkin ASE

“I joined to assist the editors guild to build its profile in the industry. And rather than work in isolation, I wanted to connect with other editors and be...

Christine Cheung

"I joined the ASE to encourage the communication within our own community about working conditions and for the wonderful depth of knowledge that occurs when there is a broad cross-section...

Sasha Dylan-Bell

“Why did I join the ASE? Well for me it was to surround myself with like-minded people working in the field. Basically, I wanted to put myself out there and...

David Fosdick

“I joined the ASE so I would have an excuse to get out of the cutting room and drink beer and gossip with other editors who also had an...

Lile Judickas

"I joined the ASE to help the guild build a much bigger voice & general industry profile for editors, who are critical to the whole process of story-telling, which...

Malgorzata Swierczak

“The two big draw cards for me when I joined were edit search, or the idea of a place where you can look for jobs…. and the networking angle,...
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